
Why Do I Feel So Exhausted After a Workout?

Both your mood and energy levels should get better after working out. But if you routinely feel exhausted after working out, it can be because you aren’t taking care of your body or getting enough rest.

The necessity for minor lifestyle adjustments or serious health problems can be indicated by persistently low energy levels after exercise. Discovering the underlying reason for your post-workout weariness should be your top goal.

You can learn from this tutorial why you might feel exhausted after working out and what to do about it.

Why You Feel Tired: Common Causes of Post-Workout Fatigue

You may experience exhaustion following an exercise for a variety of reasons, including hormone imbalances and vitamin deficiencies.

To assist you identify the cause of your post-exercise fatigue, here are some of the most typical ones.

  1. Getting insufficient sleep

If you frequently experience fatigue after exercise, you should keep an eye on your sleep routine. Your body is probably under a lot of stress if you aren’t getting enough sleep.

Exercise also stresses your body, so if for some reason you are unable to obtain adequate sleep, be aware that your workout will become more demanding and exhausting.

A study found that having the wrong sleep habits might have an impact on your athletic routine and make working out a chore. Furthermore, studies suggest that getting enough sleep has a favorable impact on your workout program. Lack of sleep needs to stop if you want to develop good habits for yourself.

  1. An inadequate diet

One of the most pervasive fitness fallacies is the idea that eating low- or no-calorie foods and engaging in intense exercise can help you lose weight quickly. This is a poor method of weight loss, because strenuous activity simply makes you hungry more.

You will therefore experience fatigue, hunger, and irritability when trying to workout on little to no nourishment.

During exercise, our muscles need a lot of nutrients, which come from foods like grains, fruits, vegetables, bread, and cereals. Muscle tiredness from inadequate nutrition during exercise might make you feel exhausted all around.

  1. Lack of water

Do you feel worn out and exhausted after working out? Your insufficient water intake could be the culprit. You may experience fatigue and exhaustion if you don’t consume enough water prior to, during, and after your workout.

Even a slight drop in water content might cause your blood to become thick, making it challenging for your heart to pump. Furthermore, excessive sweating causes your body to lose more electrolytes than normal, which makes you feel exhausted.

  1. Ongoing Workout Sessions

Skipping rest days is the same as moving closer to weariness on both a mental and physical level. If you frequently experience muscle fatigue, your body is strained and isn’t getting the rest it need.

Exercise frequently results in oxidative stress, so if you don’t take a break after working out, you risk becoming hurt. In addition, research indicate that overworking followed by days without rest can cause sadness.

Your energy levels may be depleted by a demanding workout routine (ATP). You didn’t give your body enough time to heal, which is one of the likely causes of feeling lethargic when you begin an exercise.

  1. Hormone Disturbances

An imbalance in your hormones may be to blame if you consistently feel exhausted after working exercise. Additionally, if your body produces too much “cortisol,” a stress hormone, this could result in a hormonal imbalance.

Although it may rise with your workout’s intensity and duration, this hormone’s production is modest at the beginning of your workout.

You end up feeling exhausted after the tough workouts since your body produces more cortisol as a result.

  1. Medical Problem

By altering your workout or fitness program, you can usually get past feeling exhausted after a workout. However, it’s not always the case that this occurs.

You can become fatigued from conditions like sleep apnea, COPD, diabetes, and COPD. Furthermore, a poor thyroid function may also be to blame.

When the gland in your neck doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone, you have hypothyroidism, which makes you feel lethargic, depressed, and prone to weight gain. As a result, working exercise may make you feel more worn out.

How to Combat Post-Workout Fatigue: Some Proven Techniques

  1. Adjust your sleeping patterns for better muscle recovery

Lack of sleep may make you exhausted after an exercise in addition to harming rather than helping your body. A lack of sleep will also impede muscle recovery following a strenuous activity. Your central nervous system can only operate your muscles so much before becoming fatigued.

After an exercise, getting some rest might help your muscles heal. The pituitary gland releases growth hormone during sleep, which is essential for muscular development.

Be consistent with your bedtime and wake-up timings and attempt to get 6 to 8 hours of sleep each night. Finally, to get better sleep, cut back on screen time before bed and start meditating.

You may keep an eye on your emotions throughout the day and throughout workouts. The best you can do is keep track of your eating habits, job schedule, and the number of hours you sleep before exercising.

  1. Eat a diet that is well-balanced.

Protein (meat, eggs, milk, chia seeds, quinoa, and soy if you’re a vegetarian), carbohydrates, vegetables, healthy fats, and fruits are all components of a diet that is well-balanced. Anaerobic athletes need 30–35% of their calories to come from carbs, while aerobic athletes need 40–60%.

Your body will heal more quickly and assist muscular growth and repair if you eat correctly. Therefore, it would be beneficial to provide your body protein and carbohydrates as soon as your workout is over.

After exercising out, many people feel excessively hungry, yet some people don’t. After working out, 10 to 20 grams of protein will be sufficient for you; one serving of Greek yogurt has 17 grams of protein without making you feel full.

You can eat hard-boiled eggs, whole-grain crackers, and low-fat chocolate milk for optimum recuperation. Additionally, chocolate milk can be a wonderful choice for those who find it challenging to eat solid meals after exercising. Make sure it’s either sugar-free or contains very little sugar.

  1. Maintain hydration

The most important aspect of the workout is hydration. It’s time to start drinking water throughout the day if you are not accustomed to doing so. Whatever method you choose to remind yourself to do it, giving your body water is the best and simplest thing you can do for it.

Your energy levels might be greatly affected by dehydration. When exercising when dehydrated, your muscles will ache before lifting weights, and the fatigue may linger even after you’ve finished. In addition, it can impair both muscle contraction and cognitive function. Water should always be consumed before, during, and after exercise.

Additionally, if you typically exercise at night, you should consume a lot of water during the day to keep your muscles hydrated. If you exercise first thing in the morning, though, drink as much water as you can between waking up and exercising.

Generally speaking, it is advised to drink 2 to 3 liters of water every day. If not, you should hydrate according to your weight.

You should drink as much water as your half-weight in ounces each day. For additional electrolytes and carbs, particularly if your workout lasts more than an hour, you can also purchase a sports drink.

  1. Reset your exercise schedule

The timing of your workout may be a direct cause of post-workout tiredness. Although some people feel their best after a morning workout, others—especially those who work more effectively in the afternoon—might not.

It is recommended to exercise throughout the day rather than at night because, according to research, working out at night can interfere with your sleep habits. If you have trouble sleeping, think about switching up your workout routine.

Depending on each individual’s circadian rhythm, different times are best for working out. Simply put, finding the best time to exercise requires a process of trial and error.

  1. After a workout, get enough rest.

Every time, start your activity with a warm-up session. To allow your muscles to adjust, start out slowly and gradually up the intensity of your workout.

Mobility exercises, foam rolling, a dynamic warm-up, and stretching can help your body prepare for training. Be sure to give yourself enough time to recover between workout sessions and repetitions.

As soon as your workout is over, continue the same gentle exercise routine. It’s just as vital to relax your muscles after working out as it is before. According to the American Heart Association, immediately following exercise or other physical activity, our hearts continue to beat quickly, our body temperatures are greater, and our blood vessels are enlarged.

You should perform easy exercises before working out to loosen your muscles and prevent cramping; this is known as a warm-up. You should gradually cool down after working out to reduce your heart rate, which is also important for muscle repair.


To reap the benefits of exercise, we must do it consistently on a daily basis. To avoid feeling fatigued when exercising, make sure you get adequate sleep, eat well, and care for your mental health.

For better workout sessions, consider working with a personal trainer.

Written by Dork

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